Vertican Technologies Blog
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February 2025
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Encryption Notes for Collection-Master
Filed under: Collection-Master
Posted by: George @ 8:39 am

Collection-Master does not support encryption, nor will it in the foreseeable future. Collection-Master is an “application software”, similar to Word or WordPerfect. Those applications store documents, and Collection-Master stores data.

The application software level is not the best place in the data chain to encrypt data. Encryption should occur at the Server or Operating System (OS) level. Encrypting at the software level only encrypts that single application’s data. Encrypting at the Server or OS level encrypts all the data.

As a Collection-Master user, only encrypt data by using additional encryption hardware and/or software that works at the Server or OS level. Different solutions offer various “types” of encryption. CLS strongly recommends that you consult your local system support company or IT professional to pursue encryption to meet your client’s particular needs.
Software-only encryption solutions will definitely have a negative impact on overall system performance. A server running such software takes time to encrypt/restore all the data. As such, you will likely notice a response time degradation, depending on the software or server. A hardware-based solution such as an encrypted disk, minimizes the performance impact. Consider hardware solutions even though they may cost more.

Because it is impossible for CLS to test every possible encryption solution out there, exercise caution, and ensure that you are fully and redundantly backed up before instituting encryption. You should permanently retire more than one pre-encryption backup. Increase your backup frequency, as well as the number of backups in your rotation soon after you institute encryption.

For your backup solutions, consider a different encryption strategy from that of the server to meet clients “data at rest” requirements.

Finally, Collection-Master uses the local disk in each workstation for storage of temporary data. As such, you may have to encrypt certain files stored on the local hard drive. Another encryption strategy in addition to the Server and the backup strategy may be necessary for the data on your workstations.

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National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys
Filed under: General, CLS, Collection-Master, Image-Master
Posted by: Diana @ 9:59 am

The CLS marketing team traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada for the National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys (NARCA) conference in mid-May. NARCA is a trade association dedicated to serving law firms representing clients in matters relating to legal debt collection. The 2013 Spring Collection Conference featured three days of professional education. Sessions were geared for attorneys whose practice includes the legal collection of consumer debt. The NARCA Collection Conferences provides the forum to meet with qualified prospects in the legal collection field, attend exceptional educational programs and the opportunity to network.

In addition to local, state, and federal laws and State Bar Association licensing and certification, NARCA law firms are required to adhere to the NARCA Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics. NARCA’s mission is to preserve and enhance the integrity and viability of legal collections. NARCA’s values are Professionalism, Ethics and Responsibility.

Congratulations to CLS’s clients who received awards at the NARCA conference, including :

Frederick J. Hanna & Associates, PC
Hull & Associates
Olcese Weber & Olcese, P.L.C.
Gurstel Chargo P.A.
Finkelstein, Kern, Steinberg & Cunningham
Roosen, Varchetti & Olivier, PLLC
Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP

From Machol & Johannes, LLC with CLS’s Luis Gomez are Randy Johannes and Jacques Machol Sr. This is the award they received from Cavalry.

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Business Rules! Conference
Filed under: General, CLS, Collection-Master, Programming
Posted by: Diana @ 10:21 am

Starting May off on the right foot, three members of our CLS staff - John Currey, Vice President of Application Development, Luis I. Gomez, Vice President of R & D, and development engineer John Bowman – have attended the 2013 Business Rules! Group Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. The Business Rules! Group, Inc., commonly referred to as the BRGroup, is an organization which helps developers of the Business Rules! language accomplish their goals. Business Rules! is the de facto programming language used by traditional programmers in the modern world, encouraging a comprehensive integration between old and new technologies. The BR! Programming Language, like many others, is comprised of Statements, Functions, Commands, Variables, Logic, and Data and is the foundation that Collection-Master is built upon.

CLS recognizes the importance of continuing education, which can better prepare our developers for growing in the future. By expanding the knowledge of our development team, we are then able to fine tune our programming skills and encourage a smoother, more rounded form of productivity. With the new tools absorbed from this conference, CLS will be able to create an even more sophisticated, bug-free program that will transition automatically to your collection needs.

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Security, Security, Security
Filed under: Collection-Master
Posted by: Diana @ 4:45 pm

In the new world of security concerns and compliance, our industry is tightening procedures for everyone’s protection, including your office, your employees and consumers alike. For this reason, CLS has tightened our support services.

In the event that your Software is in need of support, we are more than happy to help! However, we must follow the terms of your original Support Agreement. We ask each of our customers to designate Support Coordinators for your safety, as well as the privacy of your clients.

We cannot provide assistance to anyone not listed on your current Support Agreement. If your Coordinator wishes to temporarily authorize us to speak with another employee, we require written authorization from one of the original designated Coordinators.

Remember, the more information that you present to us, the quicker our problem-solving process can assist you. Our objective is that, through customer support, we can assist your needs simply and quickly. We hope that if your designated Support Coordinator(s) needs to contact us, that they receive adequate help as well as customer satisfaction.

Any further questions, please contact our receptionist and we can assist you.
Phone: 800-435-7257 ext. 0 or 973-575-5646
Fax: 781-207-0219 (received through eFax service)

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Stevan H. Goldman to Speak at the NJ State Bar Association
Filed under: General, CLS, Collection-Master
Posted by: George @ 9:16 am

From May 15 - 17, the state’s legal community will come together at the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Annual Meeting and Convention at the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa in Atlantic City.

A wide range of prominent legal experts and industry professionals will speak at this event; among them will be Stevan Goldman, President of CLS, who will present the topic of Law Office Automation on May 16. He will explain how law office automation provides more than just speed and efficiency to a collection office; automation software also monitors processes in an effort to keep everyone in compliance with changing laws and regulations as well as client requirements.

This will be the largest meeting in the history of the New Jersey State Bar Association. Roughly, 1,900 judges, lawyers, law clerks and law students are expected to attend.

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CLS — Here for the Long Term
Filed under: General, CLS, Collection-Master
Posted by: George @ 3:28 pm


CLS  Here for the Long Term

Over 35 Years of Evolution

CLS has been partnering with collection professionals for over 35 years. We work tirelessly to offer the best solutions to your problems. The evolution of Collection-Master is astounding. In its first iteration, Stevan Goldman programmed an IBM 5110 mini computer to store all clerk information and then cut cost checks using a dot matrix printer.

Stevan was working in his father’s collection law firm at the time. One of his many responsibilities was to write out the cost checks by hand. In 1977, his father’s checks had five layers. He had to press really hard with a ball point pen to ensure that all five layers were imprinted with the check’s information. At several hundred checks a month, Stevan’s hands began to hurt. He was able to foresee that an investment in technology would greatly decrease human error, free up time, bring higher levels of efficiency to his father’s practice, and most of all, ease his hand cramps. By his own admission, Stevan was trying to make his own job easier. 

It was not long after he implemented a new cost check cutting procedure into the office that his full time job became to continuously enhance the efficiency of legal collections and ethical recoveries. It was a revolutionary change. Stevan and his father worked together to create a custom computer system to increase productivity in the office. Once other collection attorneys caught wind of what Stevan was doing for his father’s practice, CLS was born.

Proven Record of Industry Leadership

Since that day, Stevan and the dedicated folks at CLS have constantly been enhancing Collection-Master to meet the ever changing needs of our industry. Collection-Master was the first collection software to fully integrate with WordPerfect, first collection software to be fully functional on Novell Netware, first to provide EDI capabilities, first to support multiple trust and cost accounts, first to be YGC compatible, first to offer fully integrated credit bureau interfaces, first with a point-and-shoot report generator, first with fully integrated document imaging, and continues to stay at the cutting edge of our industry. From check printing to AutoPost, from green bar paper to the Paperless File, Collection-Master is an ever changing product dedicated to solving the problems of the legal collections industry. 

Our new Collection-Master 8.1 release is our most exciting yet. As we have done so many times in the past 35 years, we are revolutionizing the collections industry again. We are releasing a suite of features that will have as much of an impact on your office today as the dot matrix printer had in 1977. From EDI Automation to Outlook Integration, we are increasing efficiency, reducing human error, and improving work flow. 

Come to the 2012 CLS User Meeting on August 13th and 14th to learn about our new release, hone your Collection-Master skills, collaborate with colleges in the industry, and to celebrate with the CLS staff.  Please call our receptionist to confirm your registration!

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A Trendy Industry
Filed under: General, CLS, Collection-Master
Posted by: George @ 7:39 am


A Trendy Industry

In recent years, the best practices policies tell us that all debtor interactions must be monitored. This can be a powerful management tool if used correctly. Best practices policies say that we monitor all interactions between the debtors and us in an effort to appraise our employees with regards to their effectiveness, to allow the clients to appraise us in the same light, and to maintain relevant records and evidence in order to protect ourselves. Because the regulators regulate our innovative methods, the attitude towards collections has become increasingly hostile. 

It is no secret that the climate of our industry is centered around ever increasing client requirements. Yesterday’s best practices may very well get you and your clients sued tomorrow. The obvious trend is that industry regulation follows innovation. Every time one of us discovers a new, lawful and ethical method for collecting some sort of a delinquent account, the regulators catch wind of it and do what they do best: regulate. 

Companies like TriVium Systems, Inc. have created call recording solutions to aid in the monitoring, recording, and archiving of all debtor interactions. They know that information is power and we agree. This is why we have chosen to partner with TriVium to offer an integrative solution between Collection-Master and TriVium.

Let’s face it: without integrating your case management software and your call recording and reporting technology, all you have are thousands of hours of audio recording. For random audits this would suffice, but to really protect yourself, to cohesively monitor all debtor interactions, integration is key!

Integration allows you to find every call on a specific claim. It allows you to find every call for a specific collector, paralegal, client, etc. We know that you need to be able to compile accurate information on any given claim, collector, client, etc. on demand. This information includes every document, every note, every accounting entry, and every record of debtor contact. With call recording and reporting integration, Collection-Master makes this all possible.

We know that Collection-Master, with its ability to retrieve reliable information, must be the centerpiece of your business. Our commitment to you is to always be on the forefront of the tango between innovation and regulation to ensure that you have the best tools available.

Don’t get too excited by the title. Our industry is not trendy because it became “cool” to collect debt, but rather because the cyclical nature of the tango between innovation and requirements, best practices and the law, tends to be repetitive.

Please inquire today about call recording integration. 

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Best Practices
Filed under: General, CLS, Collection-Master
Posted by: George @ 2:45 pm

In recent years, the best practices policies tell us that all debtor interactions must be monitored. This can be a powerful management tool if used correctly. Best practices policies say that we monitor all interactions between the debtors and us in an effort to appraise our employees with regards to their effectiveness, to allow the clients to appraise us in the same light, and to maintain relevant records and evidence in order to protect ourselves. Because the regulators regulate our innovative methods, the attitude towards collections has become increasingly hostile.

It is no secret that the climate of our industry is centered around ever increasing client requirements. Yesterday’s best practices may very well get you and your clients sued tomorrow. The obvious trend is that industry regulation follows innovation. Every time one of us discovers a new, lawful and ethical method for collecting some sort of a delinquent account, the regulators catch wind of it and do what they do best: regulate. 

Companies like TriVium Systems, Inc. have created call recording solutions to aid in the monitoring, recording, and archiving of all debtor interactions. They know that information is power and we agree. This is why we have chosen to partner with TriVium to offer an integrative solution between Collection-Master and TriVium.

Let’s face it: without integrating your case management software and your call recording and reporting technology, all you have are thousands of hours of audio recording. For random audits this would suffice, but to really protect yourself, to cohesively monitor all debtor interactions, integration is key!

Integration allows you to find every call on a specific claim. It allows you to find every call for a specific collector, paralegal, client, etc. We know that you need to be able to compile accurate information on any given claim, collector, client, etc. on demand. This information includes every document, every note, every accounting entry, and every record of debtor contact. With call recording and reporting integration, Collection-Master makes this all possible.

 We know that Collection-Master, with its ability to retrieve reliable information, must be the centerpiece of your business. Our commitment to you is to always be on the forefront of the tango between innovation and regulation to ensure that you have the best tools available.

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Tara’s Excel Tip of the Day
Filed under: Support, Collection-Master, Programming
Posted by: George @ 9:10 am

Tara says:

To CHANGE COLUMN HEADERS FROM ALPHA TO NUMERIC in Excel 2007 follow this path.
BIG Excel Button > Excel Options > Formulas > clear the R1C1 reference style.

Got an older version? Try this. Tools > Options > General > uncheck “R1C! reference style.”


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Task Scheduler
Filed under: Collection-Master
Posted by: George @ 10:10 am

Schedule a Task, Program or Process to Start Automatically

The Collection-Master Help Manual documention provides instructions on how to use the Windows Task Scheduler to schedule a [1-9-1] Index to automatically run after normal business hours by accessing a user-defined .bat file that runs the [1-9-1] Index.

By using Task Scheduler, you can schedule tasks for system tools such as the Disk Defragmenter or schedule selected .bat files in Collection-Master to run at a future time. The Windows Task Scheduler starts when Windows starts, and runs in the background. Tasks can be scheduled to run daily, weekly, monthly, or only at certain times (such as when the firm is closed or at Collection-Master startup).

NOTE: If a process or task starts in Collection-Master, all security policies still apply. If the process (start-up command) requires answers to any questions, they will not be automatically answered when the process or task runs.

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